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Brand / Marketing Communication Strategies and Advertising and Promotional Strategies Case Study

Case Title:
Celebrity Endorsement: Through the Ages
Publication Year : 2004
Authors: Kalyani Vemuri, T Phani Madhav
Industry: Advertising
Case Code: MCS005
Teaching Note: Not Available
Structured Assignment: Available
Celebrity endorsement of products has a long history. It dates back to the 1760s when pioneers like Josiah Wedgwood started using royal endorsements as a brand-building tool. Athletes and celebrities from the entertainment industry have dominated endorsements in the US. Celebrity endorsements have increased tremendously in terms of both number and value. Likewise, the risks for the brand have become higher. This case traces the evolution of celebrity endorsement and explains the trends at various points of time. It also details the Familiarity, Relevance, Esteem and Differentiation (FRED) principle in evaluating the feasibility of endorsing a celebrity. Findings from latest research on the attitude of consumers to celebrity endorsements are presented.
Pedagogical Objectives:
- To discuss the benefits and risks involved for companies in signing up celebrities as brand endorsers
- To discuss the validity and relevance of traditional assumptions involved in using celebrities to endorse brands in today's market place.
Keywords : Celebrity endorsements, Marketing Strategies Case Study, Michael Jordon, Nike, Josiah Wedgwood, Familiarity, Relevance, Esteem and Differentiation (FRED), Wheaties, Trade cards, Tiger Woods, LeBron James, Robert Clark, Ignatius Hortsmann, The Integer Group, Meg Kinney
- Timeline
- Risks Involved
- The FRED Principle
- Creativity in Endorsement Advertising
- Latest Research
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